

Hi everyone, I have not been around for about 10 days and it was just one of my mood swings :) Now I'm back and will be around.. Hope things have been good for all of you.

This was shot from our living room window sometime back. It was really strange to find partial rainbow and for a long time we waited for it grow but it only faded away. I have not done anything to this pic except cropping and increasing the saturation a bit..

I will visit your blogs soon. See ya.


Kamakshi said...

good to c u back! very unusual indeed.

Snowbear said...

Bookmarking your site for more reasings... great pics!

Anonymous said...

Cool shot of the John Hancock tower. I love the rainbow and the pana comp.


Potpourri said...

Thanks everyone.

Ian - do you mean the white band, that seems to extend from the rainbow? That is the sunlight after refraction because the sunlight was coming from the right to the left (West to East)..

Thanks a lot Falconmyst. It is very kind of you.

Bradley, are you from Boston too?

Balaji said...

cool shot :) now we know what caused your mood to swing back up!

Odge said...

cool rainbow very different too.

pk said...

Good to see U back. Very Unique.

Srikanth said...

very nice picture.
the other day i was sitting in my office cafetaria and it rained haevily for 3 mins followed by a very beautiful full rainbow.
i just hoped i had a camera with me at that time to capture that.
you didnt miss it here :)

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

Awesome! The rainbow is so bright. I've taken one or two rainbow shots, but they rarely come out well! That reminds me, I think I have a rainbow shot somewhere on this computer. I must find it! You have inspired me!

Srikar said...

it looks beautiful. Guess you were at the right time with the right tools!!

Yeah, that poem along with the photo was written by me. I thought the photo was too bland. So I somehow wrote a poem fitting the picture. Was it that bad??

Potpourri said...

Thanks everyone.

Balaji, yes. I once saw a full rainbow for about half an hour from my building mottai maadi in Chennai. I was awestruck. I could not stop looking at it. After that, I never saw a rainbow anywhere. But this one never grew full :( adu daan varuthama irukku.

Srikanth, Jen - I understand. Good luck next time.

Jen, I'll soon check out your rainbow shot :)

Srikar, it was very nice. But the shot itself is like a poem, whatever made you think it was bland? It wasn't.