

I remember Rock and Ian had posted an Ivy shot sometime back.


Kamakshi said...

good one .. thats right, i remb both Rock's and Ian's ivy invasion pics.

Potpourri said...

Oops Ian I missed your name.

Thanks guys.

Krish said...

Is this a shot taken somewhere near where you live? The foliage is pretty impressive :-)

Potpourri said...

Hi thennavan,
Yes, this is taken in Brookline near our town. I go to this Indian store in that area so I shot this on my way :) This is the wall of a parking lot in the locality.

Srikar said...

hi potpourri,
nice shot. I like the angle. I also like the previous one. Well thought out.

BTW Thanx for visiting and being so persistant. I never know I had someone who visits my blog so regularly.

pk said...

This is a great shot, love the angle, And the colors bright green and red great contrast.

Suyog said...

Amazing shot! Nature powering man's creation.

Potpourri said...

Thanks all :)

Srikar you are most welcome :D

Potpourri said...

Thank you very much paltono for visiting and taking time to comment. Visit often.

Srikanth said...

This is a beautiful shot.

Potpourri said...

Thanks Srikanth.