
An Insider's Viewpoint ?

This was taken in a Castle that is built in the parking lot near the summit of Whiteface mountain. This is next to the tunnel that is shown in the Exitpoint.


Anonymous said...

I like the way the horizontal lines of the window intersect with the vertical lines on the door across the way... I feel like I'm waiting in the shadows for something to happen out there!

Srikanth said...

looks like something waiting to fall on me, creates a nice sense of illusion

Potpourri said...

Thanks everyone :)

Revo's nuggets said...

wow. thats really a great capture.

Art said...

good pic..
Looks like I am locked up from here :)

Hey thanks for blogrolling me:)

Potpourri said...

Thanks RN and Art :) You are welcome Art, my pleasure..